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A member registered Oct 29, 2022

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Awesome. Thank you.

No art

How long until the version including animations is released?

I'm a few hours in and the story is pretty good so far. One thing that's a little strange though is the pacing. For example, there will be a story event on Friday, then the next event is on Monday. Then after Monday's event, the next is in Saturday. There's not anything to do between those events other than grind the sleep option. Maybe that's something that will be adjusted or possibly something else can be added? Just seems strange that the story event and animation quality is really well done, but the empty space between kind of drags it down.

Awesome. Great job so far.

Screenshot for reference. It's hard to overlook. Lol. 

Just the text/dialog box. Playing on Android, the background of the dialog box is white and it takes up 1/3 of the screen. Was wondering if you plan to add an option to make it transparent. 

Oh, I almost forgot that anytime someone is saying important story things, MC is just having internal dialog about their bodies the whole time. It might have been funny if used once, but it's several times and overall boring and detrimental.

For real. I mean, it literally starts out with MC drinking with Sam and telling her basically everything that was supposed to be secret from chapter one and she's just like "Wow. Anyway, about the tournament." 

Then you discover any of the women MC didn't get with in chapter one are now available, but only because they were all banging Jacob before he kicked the bucket, so their all basically his leftovers 😂

Ashley's character is terribly written as well. I think basically the only improvement was getting rid of the Audrey triangle, since it didn't really make sense how it was. 

I'm not a fan of the writing in season 2. It switched away from MC doing his thing to many of the girls having affairs with Jacob and they only open to MC because he looks like Jacob. Not sure why the change in style and direction, but I'm not interested in it. 

Any plan to make the text box transparent? It's really bold and takes up too much of the screen.

Awesome 🙏

You've done a great job with this game so far.

You must have made a wrong choice somewhere if Nadya rejected you.


Not yet, but should be eventually.


Isn't March only when he's projecting the late Christmas event to be completed? I was under the impression that it's completely separate from the main story update that's way overdue.

Oh, well leaving my views on that conflict aside, that's not great for the continuation of this game.

I may click through then to see the changes. Just didn't understand the Nia thing. She can obviously talk and MC just says he doesn't talk to her, then when she does there's no reaction or no explanation.

Finished the game, but couldn't really get into it. Iris just isn't even remotely likeable and Nia not talking for 95% of the game and basically being am empty husk didn't help. Just lacking characters and an extremely fast and shallow story.

Yes. A lot.

Dev just doesn't focus on the game at all. Only focused on the Enlargements side story thing. The content added to this game is always one or so events and copy pasted for multiple girls, so the scenes are all identical aside from the girl render and her dialog lines. Eg: the bar, the pool/massage, etc. 

At the rate updates go in this game, probably Christmas in July. 🤣

Is this game abandoned?

This game is surprisingly NTR heavy. Many instances of training the girls most of the way and then they're pushed by the story to another person for them to have first and/or MC to walk in on. Just FYI for those bothered by that. 

If you have them at their max lvl for this version, you can choose the "finish prologue" option when you select the bed in your room. The third option on the list. 

Alright, Fight Club and Nine Inch Nails references in one scene. This dev is on my level. 🤣

Oof. I don't actually have a pc, so I'm out of luck. I guess follow up question is I played part 1 of RTP fine on mobile, are part 2 and 3 easily installable on mobile or like this?

What app should I use to install on android? I'm getting it's "invalid" on a regular install attempt and some apps are saying it's missing a certificate. I also tried JoiPlay like suggested below, but JoiPlay won't find the file.